Anne Hayward in Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Anne Hayward currently has work included in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
The print "Drawing in the Landscape" is a wood engraving - measuring 12.5 cm X 19.75 cm and will be on show at the RA until 22nd August!

“I had 2 engravings short listed of which this one was hung.” says Anne. Both are prints of landscape. The one that was not included is a more traditional depiction from one view point.
The title of the one chosen for the exhibition is "Drawing in a Landscape " and the idea is to suggest the situation of an artist drawing from Nature.

Anne is describing the essence of a place, the relationship of a person to that environment and the inter-relationship of the design all organic things. “The use of the geometric grid dividing up the picture plane is to re-enforce this.” Anne points out “It was also interesting to discover different spacial relationships at the same time as emphasising the surface pattern.” She is working on a number of paintings developing this idea further.

The Royal Academy is on Piccadilly